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I’m So Real It HURTS.

I’m so Real it HURTS.



But it feels soooooooo good to be me.



There’s a lot of people who ride on the “I hate Ashley train.” Why? Because I don’t give a shit about trying to be “IN” with anyone. When I see or feel something that is out of alignment with me I speak up about it, and or I’m out. And or I just don’t comply. I don’t need time to hang around to see and feel things out. I don’t have time for that shit anymore. I already know where I belong and where I don’t belong. It’s easy when you TRUST yourself.



I’m not for everyone and I don’t want to be for everyone because then I would be a wannaBE. I’m just here to BE. People who want to be liked by everyone don’t have enough love for themselves. It’s NOT about being compassionate towards other people. I call BULLSHIT on that, it’s about insecurity. You want everyone to accept you because YOU don’t accept yourself. It has NOTHING to do with loving others when you try to fit it, it has to do with the LACK OF LOVE within you.



Love knows NO BOUNDARIES, so when you fully step into the real and raw you. LOVE will naturally align with YOU. The people who REALLY love and RESPECT YOU will step forth. The others will fade away EASILY with no discrepancies. It doesn’t have to be hard, you’re just conditioned to make it that way so you DON’T step up and honor who you really are. THIS IS THE PROGRAMMING that has destroyed humanity.



My realness HURTS because it burns through the bullshit and lies that has stained humanities minds and hearts.



It’s hurts your fictitious 3D reality you call “home”. Home is where the heart is (5D and up) and the heart can’t tell lies when you’re fully tuned in too it’s frequencies. This is why we are taught to tune OUT and turn OFF our other senses.



It hurts the self righteous behavior of the savior syndrome. I don’t believe in saviors, labels, false prophets, and cult leaders as my guides. The GURU is dead because the teacher is within ALL of you. The lessons are your life, the wisdom is your experience. Fuck the labels ALWAYS. I’m here to bring the ultimate experience to the world and the people I connect with and work with.



I’d rather feel the pain of being like no other, than feel numb being like the others. I’d rather feel pain than feel nothing. This is life. This is living.



“I came to bring the pain hardcore from the braaaaain. Let’s go inside the astral plane.” If you don’t know that line....go home, get off my timeline!



There’s so many people in my line of work who are afraid to feel the pain of BEING REAL. No scratch that.....there’s so many people EVERYWHERE that are afraid to feel the pain of being real.



Who’s going to hate you? Who’s going to talk shit? Who’s going to disconnect from you? Who’s going to blah blah blah? It’s literally noise.



It NEVER MATTERS because when you fully own up to who you are and the POWER you hold inside of your heart, soul, mind and body NOTHING can take that away.



I burned down in the beginning of 2020. I lost my mind, I lost a lot. EVERYONE TALKED SHIT, but I stood back up and did what I had to do to move forward. I also gained more than I could have ever imagined when I Rose from the ASHES. At this moment in my life I feel like the Phoenix rising, and as I rise I can see humanity failing and falling hard because they don’t BELIEVE in the power they carry.



Being HUMAN in the 5 senses is the prison planet. Being SUPERHUMAN beyond the 5 senses is the FREEDOM we all truly desire. But you can’t have the FREEDOM until you experience the painful truth. The REAL... THAT HURTS.



In my yearly 2020 reading I did at the end of 2019 I said around this time the Galactic Kings and Queens will walk the planet. I didn’t know what that meant at the time. NOW I DO. It’s us stepping into our SOVEREIGN Power. Either you want it or you don’t.



I know I do and I know I will BE THAT.



SUPERHUMAN will be explosive.



SUPERHUMAN will be next level.



SUPERHUMAN will be orgasmic.

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