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Leave the Past Behind and Watch the Future Unfold...

I really truly believe you need to release in order to receive.



When I say release, I mean cut that cord like there’s no turning back. A lot of you bitches like to hang on for dear life until you are strangled by the cord you should have cut eons ago. I see people do this shit all the time and they wonder why nothing is changing and or getting worse?! Hmmmmm



I decided to say fuck it back in November, and made the decision I would be out of the Old Ascension Nxt space by January 15th.



It was a hard decision, but I knew in my heart I had to do it. I knew I had to make a clean cut to receive the new space. The old was not serving me anymore, I couldn’t energetically fit in there. It felt like I was in a fucken broom closet. I needed out regardless if I found the new space or not.



This whole experience made me realize A LOT about sacrifice, and the trials and tribulations of a real Entrepreneur. It’s lonely, it’s scary, but it’s always worth it in the end. And the funny thing is most people never understand because they can’t see your vision until it physically unfolds.



I lost my shit when I gave my keys back to my landlord, I felt like a piece of me died and I was an angry little cunt for a few days. So angry people around me didn’t know what to say. When Ashley’s mad just leave her alone, I just need to have an eruption sometimes, it’s how I release.



I knew in my heart I had to knock the Tower down FULLY to build the NEW. Most people don’t realize that’s how you receive the best, completely close the door on the old and dying. Stop PATCHING UP the shit! Stop ignoring the OBVIOUS! Some of the collective will learn this the hard way in 2021.



You can’t walk through a new GOLDEN door carrying tattered rags and useless outworn memories. Just like you can’t receive a GOLDEN dick (King) while you are entertaining a codependent peasant just so you won’t be alone! You need to level the fuck up to receive better relationships and sometimes that means you need to sacrifice the old relationships that don’t serve you. Learn to love yourself, watch what you receive.



This whole experience made me realize the advice I ALWAYS gave to others in readings and still give....






That’s it....I can’t even tell you how many people are waiting for the new thing to come along while they are stuck in the old energy?! It can’t happen! You have to make the sacrifice to LET GO and trust that what aligns with you will come in Divine Timing!



The better relationships aren’t going to come when you are stuck in the shitty ones.



The better opportunities aren’t going to come when you are stuck in the mindset of lack and scarcity.



The universe reads your energy at the current moment, in order to manifest something better and higher frequency you need to release the lower frequency.



This is why I go off about being a settling ASS hoe. People settle for shit because they need the physical and tangible at that moment, instead of trusting that the new will come along. People are obsessed with physical and tangible, and this is what separates you from Divine miracles.



I had to release attachment to the physical. I had to release my attachment to my old identity. I had to completely let go and have faith.



All NEW is coming.

Not just in my world, but the collective.

We are now moving into the new whether we accept it or not. Get ready for some Tower moments on this planet.



It’s the only way we can reach the STARS.

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