
Welcome to the Teacher Awakens.
No one leaves this portal the same as when they enter.
This round we are entering the wild.
The wild woman isn’t out of control, she just can’t be controlled.
Her love is fierce.
Her heart is open.
Her path is honorable.
And because of this she is feared by many, but loved by most. Loved by those who desire profound change, freedom, and deep healing to usher in the waves of the new earth!
This will be the 4th round of the Teacher Awakens! It is the most sacred container I've ever held and has changed so many lives.
We will work within 4 main temples (listed below) derived from different frequencies. Within these temples there will be live trainings and teachings, energetic activations and group coaching.
Shamanic Techniques
Soul & Power Retrieval
Power Animal Connection
Energy Merging
Ancestral Connections
Past Life Regression

Proceed with CAUTION you will be entering the wild.

She who innovates
She who leads
She who shows up with no apologies

Temple Work Consists of....
Each temple will feature two live teachings, supplemented by additional audio trainings each month. We will also have a group healing and coaching session incorporating Shamanic techniques, such as group past life regression, soul retrieval or whatever else is needed. These temples are sacred spaces; each time we open a temple, I create and hold the space, maintaining this energy for weeks until we have completed the sacred teachings.

She is limitless
She truly embodies her inner magick
She knows and trusts ​
Check out testimonials below...

The Temples
The Seeker
The sage, the seer, the one and only who can see in the darkness. This woman is not afraid to enter the unknown and trust within. Within this temple, we will embody the light. We will listen to our innate knowing, remaining quiet and still even amidst chaos. In this temple, we will learn self-trust, expand our intuitive abilities, and elevate them to the next level.
-We will focus on clearing our energy, going within and intuitive development
-focus on listening to divine guidance & your next phases in channeling frequency
-understanding direction, letting the divine and soul lead
Shamanic Technique: Journey to meet the darkness (lower & upper realms)
Alicia's teaching
*Dark Side of the Moon - shadows of the wild woman
*We know shadow work and self discovery never ends- embracing every aspect of our truth allows us to return to our wild nature
*Unlearning social conditioning that we are not enough - stories and examples
* Past versions of ourselves/ new life costs you your old one
*Anchoring in meditation earth star + root + sacral + bellows breath
Wise women, Wise warrior
Preparing to meet chaos head-on, we know the answers lie within us. We KNOW our capabilities and release all limitations holding us back. We no longer entertain the idea that we “don’t know” or aren’t equipped. We are preparing to ride with the Valkyries, entering the world with excitement and courage, ready to create no matter the circumstances!
-learning how to ground in the chaos
-Learning how to stand in your power during tumultuous energies (Lagertha Scenes)
-merging the wise women and wise warrior energies (integrations and activations)
Shamanic Technique : We will focus on power and soul retrieval in this temple
Alicia’s Teaching
* Sol intention
*The golden shadow
*Cultivating joy, making time to do things you ve curiosity/ play what these things mean to you
*Activity: Creative expression
Can you hear them coming? The drums of the warrior women approach. We will face all fears and integrate the wild energies. We will raise our power and connect with our guides, ancestors, and familiars as we enter the battlefield of life, of the journey. We are the leaders, and we came here to shift the matrix.
We will focus on journeying to the Shamanic Realms to connect with guides, ancestors, and our spirit team to assist us in our journey in human form.
-exploring the astral realms through journeying
-answering questions as to:
Where do you go from here?
Steps to take on the path to higher consciousness.
How to step into and honor the WILL.
Shamanic Technique: Journey to the ancestor realms (other unknown)
Alicia’s Teaching
*Stories of getting over fears / skydiving, hiking, travel - do things scared
* Intuition vs instinct
*Patience, practice, & presence - growth, you don’t need to take big leaps-
*Mini meditation to ground/ be present - discerning what yes and no what feels like in your body.
*There's a wild woman in all of us. She's woven into each archetype. Taking a deeper look into the Rebel, heathen, & savage
*Choice + setting yourself free, Acts of rebellion
*Influence- chose this program because you've already taken the steps to connect with others who are called to the wild woman energy
*Lighting the fire meditation: solar plexus/ heart/ throat + rapid fire breath
The White Witch, The Mother
And again, it all quiets down. As the battle clears, we enter the light. We step into the temples of solace and grace. Magdalene, the high priestess, and the white witch greet us for a celestial up-level. We are the creators of the mystery schools, the teachers, the nurturers, the creators, and the mothers. We are setting ourselves free and walking the honorable path with grace.
-entering in Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary
-Arcturian Queen and Pleiadian Priestess Enters (G Frequencies)
-High Frequency trainings (channeled messages)
The final temple will merge us with peace and grace, energies within the higher realms to integrate into our journey on earth. We will also connect with more cosmic and Galactic energies here.
Shamanic Technique: Unknown at the moment
Alicia’s Teaching
* Peace & Presence … Accountability + showing up for yourself
*Yoga Nidra - focusing on presence
*Movement- not a yoga class. No yoga props/equipment required.
*Meditation for third eye + crown + soul star
*Humming or chanting + breathwork
Why Join?
Step into a realm of profound transformation! This sacred container is designed to guide you through advanced practices of spiritual discernment, unlocking and understanding your inner strengths. This program will elevate your self-awareness, intuitive development, and deepen your understanding of your soul's true identity. By releasing limiting programmed human aspects, you'll create space for unparalleled growth. Embark on this extraordinary journey to awaken your highest potential and step into a new level of spiritual enlightenment!
Who is this program for?
-Women in the holistic, coaching or spiritual industry
-Women who are ready to advance their purpose work and receive more clarity
-Women who are here to lead
-Women who are done with the bullshit of wondering how to get to their next level and just opt in and do it
What is included in the program?
-Live trainings (Each Module will have a 2 live trainings)
-Private FB community group
-1 in person group training a month (Access to all recordings will be available)
-Healings and Activations for each module (around 3 or more for each module)
-Group Telegram Text (group coaching for the whole 3 months)
-Journaling Prompts and deep dive homework
-Individual sessions if opting into VIP package
Check out the last Round of the TA!
It’s packed with trainings and courses.
Program starts 9/23
Pricing $2999 Pay In Full
$3200 w/ Payment Plan
$3800 5 Coaching Sessions Included