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I decided to pick this picture with closed eyes for a reason. Physical reality will be altered this week, connect with the heart more than what the eyes “interpret” to be real.



Last night I did my weekly reading and to be honest I didn’t feel like doing it. I had a lot to get done, but I always show up when I say I will. Knowing the messages that came through, I definitely feel energy was trying to interfere with a certain message for the collective.



I felt some weird frequencies coming through and as I pulled the cards I noticed a pattern in each letter (Pick A, B, C), A LOT of illusions popping up collectively. All the illusion cards were on top of the cards that were setting the foundation for each pull. The foundational cards were powerful and essential to create change, receive new, and to be open to what you’ve been wanting for while.



I feel as though this week it is imperative to keep yourself in a high vibe mindset, meaning be attentive, aware, and strive for what feels good and right. Also be accountable and don’t ignore anything that needs some attention so you can transmute what doesn’t serve you. High vibe isn’t always “positive” it’s soul awareness.



Do not manifest based off your surroundings within the physical. Manifest from the heart and higher frequencies, go to what truly aligns not what makes sense in the moment. There’s a game being played here to try to “persuade” people to give up, revert, and let go of dreams that bring joy, excitement, massive expansion. A lot of doors opening this week if you’re ready to walk through.



The persuasion game is all BS, and if you’re surrounded by a lot of density, it will try to grab at you. I see and feel a lot of people will literally be believing in instances and experiences that aren’t even really there. Meaning wonky energies in the astral will connect with the third eye to try to create upheaval from nothing, realities that don’t exist, or even word play that was misinterpreted. It’s to try to divide humanity even more or pull people away from loving experiences.



Stop and think before you engage aggressively and stay focused and clear on what you’re trying to bring in. Clarity is key for the week, because you’ll be bringing whatever energy you settle into this week into the next few months.

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