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Writer's picture: ascensionnxtascensionnxt

In the 3 weeks of moving there were 4 realizations that popped in while I was packing and wanting to light shit on fire. (Yes I think about fucking shit up when I’m pissed off and frustrated....surprise, surprise )

Realization #1 Humans Love to be Controlled

Realization #2 Innovators & Entrepreneurs are the most HATED

Realization #3 People are Turned Off and Tuned Out



They’re all great blogs and highly entertaining. (Check out if you missed them)



I’ve come to conclusion that I’m just going to play the part of the villain in many peoples stories. It’s something that I’ve come to terms with and most of the time I could give a fuck about it. It’s easy to paint someone like me as the villain; I’m loud, obnoxious, and say a lot of things that people don’t want to hear. I’d rather be the villain than full of shit. I can come home every night look in the mirror and KNOW that I’m in alignment with myself, my inner truth, and in alignment with my purpose work.



The other day my friend was giving me a reading and she was like “wtf you have sooo many haters, these people are literally watching, waiting for bad shit happen to you.” I just sat on my couch and laughed. People either love me, hate me, or just want to fuck me. My energy is intense and there’s no in-between.



Keep watching, keep hating bitch. Keep adding fuel to my fire.


One thing is for sure, people will always have something to say about me. Why? Because I’m a passionate person, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m fucken REAL. In a world where facades are put on a pedestal, a real muthafucker is always looked at as the bad guy, the villain, the antagonist. Again, I’m totally cool with it, I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I find delight in people hating on me at this point in my life because it makes me realize I’m owning my strength.



But why? I know I went over some of this in entrepreneur post, but it goes even deeper. People who don’t honor their truth can’t honor another who stands in their truth. Holding yourself to a high standard is always going to bother the bottom feeders. They want what you have but can’t have it. They’re too busy festering in the low vibes. They’re too busy wishing and waiting. They’re too busy trying to be something they’re not. They’re too busy wasting their energy on bullshit that stunts their growth.



The idea and thought of the criminals popped in a lot. It could have been because I was reminiscing on all the dumb shit I did when I was younger, and where I could have been if I didn’t change my life. I honestly feel like you can’t get inside the mind of a criminal unless you’ve done fucked up shit yourself. Street smarts comes from experience, common sense comes from following instinct and intuition. This is the problem with a lot of people there no common sense and no street smarts. This is what gets the world in trouble. I’m glad I did all the fucked up shit I did when I was younger because I learned a lot about manipulation first hand. The criminal resides in ALL of humanity. We are ALL criminals. So as you paint the truther as the villian just know you carry the essence of the thief, the murderer, and the rapist.



“But how?”



We all lie to ourselves, we do it daily. Some more than others, but WE ALL do it. The average criminal lies to get by! Imagine that?



We ROB ourselves of a better life because we choose the mundane, the easy, the lazy way out. The average criminal loves to get an easy lick, they don’t want to do the work to get something. Imagine that?



Humanity plays itself constantly! We are crooks and thieves to our expansion and our joy because we choose fear over love all the time. The average criminal rules through fear. Imagine that?



We rob ourselves from peace, unity, and divine creation because we deny the solutions and focus on the problems. This is criminal activity at its finest.



You want to know why criminals rule the world? Because we are a projection of the people we hate and can’t stand! So you know what that means? Simple answer but such a hard concept for people to grasp.....SELF MUTHAFUCKEN LOVE!



People who practice self love check themselves when they’re playing themselves.



Everything that we hate about this reality is a reflection of what we created on a collective level. We have liars for leaders because we CONSTANTLY AND CONSISTENTLY LIE TO OURSELVES.



We lie to ourselves about who we are.

We lie to ourselves about what we want.

We lie to ourselves about what makes us happy.

We lie about dumb shit everyday.

Therefore we receive DUMB in our REALITY.

We receive CAREER CRIMINALS as leaders.

If you can’t stand what’s going on the world, maybe it’s because you can’t stand yourself. Did you ever think of that?



You HATE the “villains” that speak the TRUTHS to try to set you free. You hate the truthers because they are telling you how to release yourself from the spell. But the problem with releasing the spell, the lies, the manipulation, and the illusions is there’s WORK to be done and usually it’s inner work. It will be painful, harsh, dark, and taxing on your mind, body, and soul. But many don’t want to do work, but the Villian will gladly do it with a smile on their face.



So while many people play pretend nice.

I smile getting the dirty work done.

No facades.

No bullshit.

Destroying the basic.

Destructing the norm.



Big announcements coming soon!

V is victory, not just for villain.

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