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Confessions Pt. 2

Writer's picture: ascensionnxtascensionnxt

I know, I know you’re thinking of giving up...



Trust me I’ve thought about it plenty of times, especially now.



I was literally talking to one of my friends yesterday and realized I’ve given up. Yep.



I realized I lost faith in myself and my purpose for quit a while! WHAT?? Me?? Yep me!



I didn’t even realize it until now!



I lost faith in myself and the belief in myself that I can help change this reality. I lost faith in the fact that I’m here to awaken and shake the world. For a while I was like is it even worth it???? Can I do this? Back & Forth....I can...IDK.



I know consciously I can do this, I say it all the time, but I disconnected from my heart. I lost myself. I got stuck in doing shit that was more “work” than creation.



I can’t believe I would say that I’ve given up or given in to the bullshit.



How could this happen?



How could I lose touch with who I am?



How could I forget after all I do is talk about PURPOSE, FAITH, and TRUST!??



It happens to the best of us, it happens to many of us.



1st it starts with a lack of belief in yourself and then it Spirals down into a lack of belief in God, Spirit, and your reality.



This year my faith has been tested and too be honest I lost it for a while and didn’t even realize it until now!



I’ve been waking up more annoyed than excited for the past 5 months. Wtf?? Why?? I mean some days, and weeks are great. Then I go back into questioning.



I started disconnecting from my truth and who I am. I started leaving pieces of me behind because I felt they weren’t good enough. I didn’t even realize I was doing this? It was like I was waiting for things to shift to allow them to surface.






I felt I was too triggering being me and felt FUCKEN GUILTY. Just by being me.



I GOT BORED! Yep, I just realized this the other day working with a coach. I’m not just a fucken teacher, coach, or mentor. That’s not ALL of me. Who am I kidding?



I’m a fucken ARTIST. AN ARTIST, which means I need free reign! FREE FUCKEN REIGN...No wonder I’ve been triggered through this whole thing!



I put the Artist in the closet. I hid her away, and the connection with myself began to suffer. My heart started turning off, leading to aggravation & annoyance.



Then the pandemic happened, and I started looking around at the world. How the fuck am I going to do my purpose in this SHIT? What a fucken mess!? I was excited at times, then starting questioning my FAITH. (Even though I knew this is the exact time I was needed, I didn’t truly feel it all the time.) Probably because I wasn’t accessing ALL OF ME.



How am I going to help people awaken and tap into their freedom, when we are being placed in fear prisons constantly? I automatically got overwhelmed and was kind of like fuck this shit. This job is too big for me! I can’t do this! I’m not equipped enough to help with this! It was a lot of back and forth, then just frustration!



Here come the doubts. Even though I knew shit was going to hit the fan eventually I doubted myself to be me in the process??



This is CRAZY! I can’t believe I ALLOWED this to happen, but I did. Oh well I’m human. Far from perfect.



The foundations.....I went far and beyond outside of my basic foundations! When I 1st started doing Spiritual work I focused a lot on my heart chakra.



Time to dive back in. There is no Ascension without the heart. The heart is the awakening.



I got caught up in the “well I have to do this and I have to do that.” That’s not me!









The triggers about FREEDOM lately makes so much sense. I need to create freely, with no expectations.



Doing courses all the time isn’t what I want to do. I love doing them, but I’m here to do more. I knew this for while but this fully integrated with the energy last night!



See how that works? You can know things consciously but something needs to hit your field for it to be the Ah Ha moment!



Loosing my foundational practice.



Loosing my connection with my heart & who I truly am.



Loosing a sense or a piece of my purpose was detrimental to my spirit.



Loosing the Art, forcing the creation. It never works.



I know what I’m capable of. I know my power.



I know I’m here to just express my truth. I’m here to create on MANY LEVELS. I’ve been limiting myself, questioning my faith, questioning my purpose, and questioning who I am during these times.



It’s time to just surrender & allow it to all unfold.

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