Results my ass!
No wait, my ass is proof of results
I was looking at pictures of myself from 2018 and I was really out of shape, miserable, insecure, and had low energy levels. I had no sex drive, no clarity, and no money to scale my biz. Things needed to change and I basically hit my “fuck this shit” moment on ALL levels.
In 2019 I decided to make some big changes with my business that would positively impact my health and well being. Was it perfect timing? Did I have all the funds available? Was I sure this would work? NOPE NOPE NOPE AND MORE NOPE. I DECIDED I had NO OTHER OPTION. I was completely over the way I was living and knew in my heart I needed an upgrade on many levels.
I invested in million dollar coaches for my mindset and business.
I invested in a personal trainers to reach certain physical goals.
I invested in better meals plans and cleansing products.
I went ALL IN and now I’m really seeing results....
Results = Higher Levels of Income
Results = High Level Clients
Results = High Energy Levels
Results = High Self Confidence
Results = Strength in Physical Body
Results = Expansion of Business
Results = Ability to problem solve more efficiently and effectively to scale my biz.
Results = Knowing what I want, desire, need, love, all which helps me make better decisions.
Lastly.....RESULTS = Round butt CHEEKS
Before I decided to invest in myself I was settling in all areas of my life. Within the last 2.5 years I learned about the term “non negotiable”. Do you know what that means? It means when you want something it’s not in your mindset to settle for the 2nd best or that’s good enough. This is how millionaires and people who smash through goals think DAILY. Settling is normal in a world full of dysfunction and illusion. In actuality in order to be a true rebel and break down the system, say NO to settling! It’s that simple, but many of you make it way to hard.
Once I tapped into the “non negotiable” mindset and frequency I began to really tap into what my soul aligns with. I started admitting things to myself that I’ve been suppressing for a long time because I thought they were coming from the ego, when in fact they were coming from my higher self. I was just ignoring the messages thinking I’m not worthy and or it wasn’t from a high frequency. Doing the mindset work I learned to opt into simply being me, which allows me to manifest what I’m aligned with more easily.
Here’s some of my current non-negotiables...
Soul Aligned Relationships, is a complete non negotiable. Friends and clients (especially people in my inner circles) must be completely aligned with expansion and continuing to do the inner work. I’m not here to drag people along for the ride and be an enabler to pity parties. I’m also not available to have people close to me that I have to keep lowering my frequency to explain what I do constantly. If you don’t get it, rise up, then maybe we can connect. Until then, high vibes, deep conversations and accountability will only be allowed in my inner circle.
King energy filling my heart, mind, and pussy. Yep you heard me, no more “he has potential” bs. If I’m not swoon, then it’s not worth my time. I’m an Alpha female who needs a strong Alpha male so we can build, create, and destroy the house when we have sex. I’m not available for mindless conversations because he’s “cute” or making excuses as to how he’ll be on my level one day. The man who will be in my life will honor my strength, tenacity and intelligence without feeling insecure about himself (because he’ll have that to). If he’s intimidated when I challenge him, he’s not for me. If he can’t connect with me on a deep intellectual level he’s not for me. If sex and pleasing his woman isn’t important to him he’s not for me. If he’s content with being normal, he’s not for me. I’m building an empire, it’s not a dream anymore, it’s a reality. Anything less than a King could disrupt my whole process. What I align with in a partner is NON NEGOTIABLE
Money.....the old Ascension Nxt space was 1,000 sq ft. The new Ascension Nxt space is 4,500 sq ft. I didn’t just take a step up, I took a giant leap. Do you think my income is negotiable? Do you think I’m ok with making what I was making 1 year ago today? 2.5 years ago I would have laid in the road if you told me how much money I would have invested in my business in 2021. But the Ashley now with a different mindset is like bring it on! My next goals are a few pop up spaces and building a giant building! Yep I would have NEVER thought that was possible without changing my mindset and challenging my perspective on money. In 2022 I’m going to triple my biz and won’t even question the how’s, why’s and what if’s. It’s happening now.
These are just some of my non negotiables. Health, wealth and abundance are all connected. I was out of shape, tired, broke, and in a relationship that wasn’t allowing me to grow. I had to CHANGE IT ALL. ALL of it, to get to where I am. I bet most people won’t even get through this whole post because some of you are just staring at my butt. The round cheeks are the proof, they are the confidence, they are the results of what happens when you set intentions to love yourself fully. If you’ve read the post and are ALL SET with settling post a emoji.
I love myself enough to say No to settling and allow Abundance that aligns with me enter into my reality.
The Wealth Shift coming soon
33 Transformative Activations & Teachings to help you SHIFT into Abundance, Wealth, Health and Riches moving into 2022.
