If you think I’ve always had confidence you’re wrong.
If you think I was always super certain my business was going to be successful...again you’re wrong.
If you think I wasn’t scared, never cried, never felt hurt from rejection....again you’re wrong.
The difference between me and many others is I just kept going, I just kept showing up. I dusted myself off plenty of times from hurt, pain, failure, embarrassment and just kept going.
Knowing that this is my path, this is my purpose and there is NO OTHER OPTION but to make this happen. My dream became a reality because I decided that it had to or I would DIE. I would lose the essence of my life force. I would not be able to BE ME and that is detrimental to my spirit and soul.
If you want to make your dreams a reality, get rid of the back up plans, get rid of the idea “well if this doesn’t happen then” that is 99% as to why most people will NEVER make their dream a reality.
You’re already focusing on the 2nd best because it’s easier and more attainable. You don’t have to face as many fears, go deep into the wounds and shed the old layers if it’s easier, because you stay where you are.
Forget about easy, forget about comfortable, and STOP being boring and basic.
I’m here for the Spiritual, Supernatural, Heart Centered Entrepreneurs that are here to innovate and rip the old skins off the old paradigm. Yes we are here to shred the veils of corruption and lies. But.....you need to face that within yourself as well.
If want to create a New Earth, you need to step into the New You!
Stop Being Basic
STOP Playing Small
Stop Being so Damn Quiet!!
“Stop Being FN Basic”
Dropping Soon