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Alpha Omega Mastermind

This program is only for the Unapologetic Innovators, Leaders and Changemakers WHO WANT TO MAKE CHANGES NOW. 


Are You Ready ?


Are you ready to fulfill your soul’s contract or are you going to continue to make excuses as to why you aren't where you want to be? Don’t you think it’s time for you to check yourself at your excuses and just say FUCK IT I AM ALL IN? The Alpha KNOWS there is NO OTHER CHOICE but to be ALL IN. The Alpha knows that they are a natural born leader, no matter what anyone says they know deep within that they wear the crown, they lead, they pave the way. This fate is set in stone and absolutely nothing can get in their way. 


The Alpha is here to be the ascendent, where all the highest levels of leaders create, and build. The only people who are going to make changes on this planet are those carrying the energy of the ALPHA within. It takes a  firm belief in self and strong conviction to hold this energy.  WE WILL LEAD and WE WILL INSPIRE. There is NO OTHER OPTION. 


To embody the energy of the ALPHA is to fulfill your soul’s contract to its highest degree. If the energy of the Alpha is calling you, then you are here to do some serious work in this lifetime on this planet NOW. DID YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY?? NOT NEXT lifetime! NOT when you feel comfortable! NOT when you have time! The time is now and if you feel any other way, you do not belong in this container because it is for those that are so ready to be the embodiment of a Divine Magickal Leader, that thinking of anything else makes their skin crawl. Again, the time is now to move forward with your PURPOSE and PASSION! If you disagree then sit on the sidelines and watch others pave the way. 


This is the most intense container I have ever created, where money, magick, and business come to life. This is my Inner Circle and this is the closest you will ever get to me when opting into one of my powerful containers. The Alpha is here for those that are unconventional and ready to take their supernatural business to the next level. Spiritual teachers, mentors, coaches, artists and Divine Innovators are all welcome, but only if you are ready to BE ALL IN ON YOUR PURPOSE WORK NOW! Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year! Do it, be it, live it, see it and hold the VISION HIGH, NOW.  


 I’m hell bent on changing the world and I can’t do it myself! We need a lot of badass,loving leaders to make this possible. Are you one of them, or will you continue to follow? If you’re ready to lead and you're feeling the Alpha vibes, then I am here for you. 


This program is NOT for people that watch opportunities pass. THIS PROGRAM IS for people who are ready to put all their excuses aside and walk through the door that is wide open now. In order to fully commit to this program, you need to be ready to push yourself beyond your human limitations. Step into the supernatural, the superhuman, the supreme royalty to reach beyond this reality and create programs, courses, books, blogs WHATEVER is in Divine Alignment with you that will lift the frequencies of this world to a whole other level. I’m ready to lead and assist powerful ALPHAS to manifest the realities they always dreamed of. 

My high level container HBIC mentorship has transitioned into the ALPHA. Within the past 6 months to a year I have had clients who made $50k-$75 more into their business quitting jobs and cutting back on hours. They opted in, said yes and listened to their Divine calling, they have decided to work smarter, not harder and are seeing all the benefits. The HBIC was dedicated strictly to the business aspect of the Supernatural Entrepreneurs that I work with. The Alpha energy is bringing all of that plus the raw, authentic, primal energy where you will have no choice BUT to make this happen. It is an uplevel from the HBIC where we will be adding more magickal elements to the practice. In this container I decided to integrate my Boss Bitch energy with my mystical, Magickal High Priestess vibes. 



The Alpha goes against the grain and paves the way! The Alpha does not dwell on shoulds, hows, whys and whos. The Alpha says FUCK YOU to all that SHOULD BE and creates the uniamginable, because they are true innovators. The Alpha is the old soul who navigates through instinct, esoteric knowledge, and experience beyond the mundane human belief system. They are here to WOW the world, they are here to create ooos, ahhhhs, and oh my’s that shatter the comfortable reality that many humans call home. They lead easily in extreme circumstances and create easily within the chaos. When I first started Ascension Nxt, I had no idea how I would get to where I am now, but I knew this would happen. I utilized my instincts in the darkest of times and always found my way. I was committed 100% , it was commit or DIE. I made it so I had no other option. Are you ready to commit? Are you ready to believe? I am here to hold space and kick your ass through the doors you’ve always been wanting to open. No more excuses! This is a six month to a year, high level mentorship with me, there is nowhere to run or hide after you say yes. I will hold the door open as you walk into the energy of the ALPHA.

The next level is in the here and now, stop pushing it further away. I’m so over  watching people do things in their life they hate because they are out of alignment.  I’ve been working with high-level coaches since 2019 and it is time for me to share my wisdom. It started with bringing in $10K months, then hitting over $20k months with ease, just by showing up and being me. Once I started to honor my worth, it allowed me to do the things in my life that feel good, in alignment, and live the life I want to live. Also stepping into the frequency of financial freedom allowed me to expand my business and go above and beyond with Ascension Nxt. I’m no longer run down, tired, and overworked. I get to take breaks and do whatever I want daily. I want to share the wealth, and share what I learned over the years when you choose to opt into living completely soul aligned daily. 


"I remember the days of $15 Reiki, now I’m creating $15,000 programs. Are you ready for this uplevel?”

Who is The Alpha… They are the Unimaginable, Above and Beyond this world 

Sometimes you may ask yourself…
"Why aren’t I fully aligned to my purpose? Why am I not creating the income I desire? Why do I lack belief in myself to get to the next level?


Usually it’s a simple answer… are half assing it. You put your purpose work on the back burner. You question your creations, you don’t ALLOW yourself to excel and expand because you don’t understand your worth. You tell yourself lies about how it can’t work, while you're watching all the other bitches cash in while living the life and wondering .... “Why can’t I do that?” Well you can, but you keep telling the universe it’s impossible, so the universe is like “okay you won't receive that”. I remember when I first opened Ascension Nxt I was happy to bring in $100 a week just to pay my $500 rent. Now I make 5 figures a month effortlessly and love what I do. My business hit multi 6 figures in 2021 just with my online programs and the best part is I’m changing lives while making real money. Are you ready to go to the next level or are you going to continue to procrastinate and wait for the “right time”? 


How to Know if the Alpha is a Fit for You...

Are you hell bent on the following….

  • Living completely soul led, NO 9-5, your soul's works isn't a hobby, its LIFE

  • Ready to make 6 figures, 7 figures and beyond with your creations

  • Building a platform and expanding your platform to a broader audience 

  • Being you day in and day out, being the unapologetic BOSS, KING, QUEEN

  • Taking your soul aligned biz to the next level, while working less!

  • Diving deeper into ceremonial and magical work to help your biz succeed! Calling in your higher self to lead the way!!



Who is the Alpha for?

  • Coaches

  • Spiritual Practitioners 

  • Artists

  • Writers 

  • Basically the SUPERNATURAL Entrepreneurs (CHANGE MAKERS) 

Topics Discussed in the alpha

  • Building a successful platform

  • Magickal as Fuck Mindest 

  • Staying in Super Flow  

  • Sales Pages 

  • Creating leads 

  • Generating HIGH LEVEL Income, fuck playing small $$$

  • Building programs

  • Promotion 

  • Energy Signature 

  • Connecting deeper to your intuitive ability to create and generate sales from your soul aligned clients

  • Importance of Recurring Income

  • Belief, Confidence, Resilience 

  • SOUL ALIGNED CLIENTS (This is everything!) 

  • Magickal & Ceremonial Work 

  • Journaling Prompts 

  • Rewriting your Story (Deleting the toxic programing) 

  • Energy Merging 

  • Past Life Work


 You will have access to EVERY online program Ashley ever created which is worth well over $40k! For more details email to book a discovery call with Ashley. 


By choosing to lead with soul in HBIC I removed people in my life and business no longer aligned to my creations while completely changing how I operate my business. In that time I lost employees but gained more opportunities. I was able to bring in services that brought in 77,000 more to my business while cutting back on my hours. 

Jennifer S. 

By saying yes to the HBIC I put myself and my business first. I have been able to expand services, hire staff, work less and have TIME for myself and family. Work less, and earn more much more! 

Say yes to HBIC as you learn that you are the HBIC!

Melanie L.

Working with Ashley has helped me to confidently tap into the most important aspect of my business—ME. Through this I’ve made big decisions that could have felt scary but instead just felt right—I secured a physical location for my services, I cut back to part-time at my job, and I put out my first high level programs. Oh and I say fuck a lot more because it’s aligned with me and I learned to just be me

Justine H.

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