Watching all the over stepping!
ME: “Is this bitch serious?”
ME: “Yep they sure are!”
ME: “Well good thing I stopped giving FUCK about your opinion since.....BIRTH BITCH!”
We’re learning A LOT about this as a collective right now. Too many people have been allowing others to over step and by this I mean infiltrate their energy field.
How violating
How disgusting
How dare you??
When people try to force their opinions on you, that’s over stepping a boundary.
When people try to make you feel guilty for doing what’s best for you, that’s over stepping a boundary.
When people degrade you for honoring what’s best for you that’s an extreme violation of free will and not just over stepping a boundary but also dark magick.
When you put boundaries up with someone and they take it personally just know they are 100% syphoning from you.
This is not an exaggeration. People really need to learn to honor their energy bodies during these times.
People who constantly over step are reliant on an energy you have or have access to that they are too incompetent or lazy to create or connect with themselves.
When people are in fear and trying to FORCE an energy on others it’s a way for them to syphon some form of peace or light they can’t get access to.
When people are full of hatred, they will go after the ones who stand strong and firm in their light body because they are blocking themselves from receiving love and higher frequencies. They want your love, light, and higher frequencies. Some people and beings would rather cheat and steal than do the work. Shields up to this nonsense!
When people try to integrate guilt, shame, and grief in others energy fields it’s because they don’t want to face their own shit. They extend their soul sucking claw to drag you down into the depths hell with them. Fuck this! Yes it’s really that simple, and at times yes it’s really that big of a deal.
Stop allowing the over stepping.
Stop consenting to the peer pressure.
Stand strong and firm in what you are in alignment with constantly.
The Divine is watching
The Divine is listening
The Divine only creates a pure connection to those that embody authenticity.