You're probably a Sell OUT!
Yea you, you are most likely selling yourself out for a life you hate because you are afraid to be YOU.
Working the job you hate to make the cake.
Living the life you hate to get your parents approval.
Suppressing who you are so your spouse doesn’t start shit with you.
Being a boring Mom because Mothers are “supposed”to be and act a certain way.
Trying to impress your loser friends who probably talk shit about you behind your back.
I could go on and on with this list. I’ve seen it all and one thing I feel is 90% of the world is living a fake life because we are conditioned to believe that we are “supposed” to be a certain way.
Many ignore the truth because it’s fucken scary. It is scary, you shouldn’t be ashamed of your fear. It’s natural to fear the unknown especially when you have to dig deep into parts of yourself that you haven’t discovered.
The whole get a good job, get married, start a family is all bullshit to me. It sounds like a good idea, but is it really? (It’s sounds quite boring honestly.)
So many people put the pressure on themselves to live this life. They stay in shitty relationships, shitty jobs, and teach their kids the misery of the life they are living.
What a great thing to teach your children?? Hey kids, love a LIE it’s fun!
Money seems to be the central problem when we factor all these things in above.
Why are we made to feel guilt and shame around living a fully abundant life doing all the things we enjoy? Seriously people get embarrassed when I ask what’s your dream.
On the other hand it is completely normal to hate Monday-Friday and only love the weekend. How fucken dumb is this mentality?
You need to hate your life because that’s what being a responsible adult does. Who the fuck made this shit up? I’ll give you one guess
You’re brainwashed if you have this mentality and live by this ideology.Have fun with that....byyeeeeeeee
Making money should be fun.
Making money should be enjoyable.
Making money should help you feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
NOT STAYING in situations that suck the life out of you.
I can’t even tell you how many people feel guilty for accepting money for their services. On the other hand they feel completely fine about dressing up to go to work, to look in the mirror and say....”I can’t wait to be myself when I get home.”
That too me seems like torture. Kill me now, stab me, throw rocks at me. I’d rather be dead.
Let me tell you a little story about Ashley.
Ashley was told she was always too weird and she had to calm down in order to live a “normal” life and have “nice” things.
Ashley laughed and said “ha ha ha I’m going to sell lots of WEED” and now she laughs because she sells ROCKS...successfully. (I guess I have a thing with getting people high )
Ashley was told she’ll never make real money having tattoos and dressing the way she dresses. Ashley laughed and opened her own business.
Ashley was always told she was wasting her time and life away by learning all those “conspiracy theories”, Ashley laughed again and incorporated all of those teachings in her business bringing in well over 6 figures.
Ashley was told......nothing really valid and did the fucken opposite, believed in herself and paved her own damn way.
Ashley can wake up every morning, look in the mirror and be proud of who she is and WHAT she DIDN’T become because of others shoulds.
I’m here for the people that say FUCK IT to all these rules, and want to LIVE.
I’m not here for the walking dead. If you want to be like everyone else, start picking out your casket and making funeral arrangements. You’re killing your soul and I won’t be a part of it.
If you want to live a life that others would think is impossible, work with me.
I’m not here for the “I do what I’m told” peeps. I’m here for the people who are ready to throw the old paradigm in the fucken trash and make the impossible fucken POSSIBLE.
Money Magick course out now!
Full Payment $111
2 Monthly Payments of $66
